

Peak Season: April to July

Tarpon, known for their acrobatic fights and massive size, are most abundant in the warm waters off Miami from April to July. This period is the peak season for Tarpon fishing, offering the best chances for a successful catch.

Best Technique: Live Bait Fishing

Live bait fishing is the most effective technique for catching Tarpon. This method involves using live baitfish or crabs to attract the Tarpon's attention.

Best Bait: Crabs, Mullet

Crabs and mullet are the top choices for Tarpon bait. These species are part of the natural diet of Tarpon, making them irresistible to these fish.

Table Fare: Catch and Release

Tarpon is primarily a catch and release fish due to its poor table fare quality. The thrill of Tarpon fishing lies in the fight and the achievement of landing one of these magnificent creatures.

Species Information

Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) is a large fish known for its silver scales and spectacular acrobatic displays when hooked. They can grow up to 8 feet long and weigh up to 280 pounds. Tarpon inhabit both inshore and offshore waters, and they are particularly known for their tolerance of brackish and even fresh water.

Location: Inshore and Offshore Waters of Miami

Tarpon are typically found in the inshore and offshore waters of Miami, particularly around mangroves, bridges, and piers. These fish prefer warm, shallow waters, making the Miami area an ideal habitat for them.

Captain Lester's fishing charters provide the perfect opportunity to target these magnificent fish. Our charters are equipped with top-of-the-line fishing gear and electronics to ensure a successful and enjoyable fishing experience. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a novice, our experienced crew will provide you with the guidance and assistance you need to land your dream catch.

Tarpon fishing with Captain Lester is an unforgettable experience. With over 40 years of fishing expertise in the South Florida waters, Captain Lester provides live bait and memorable private fishing experiences to locals and tourists from all over the world. Book your next fishing adventure with Fishing With Lester and experience the thrill of catching Tarpon in Miami's beautiful waters.

To experience the trip of a lifetime, call Lester today at 954-557-8501 or click here!